
Double leaf clean room door without window for Raymon group clean room

Double leaf clean room door without window for Raymon group clean room

What makes a room a clean room?
A clean room is an impurity-free area where pollution, air velocity, pressure, temperature and humidity are controlled under rigid specifications. There are three different types of materials, such as steel clean room doors, aluminum clean room doors, clean room doors made of Stainless steel to choose from. HPL clean room door is one of the most popular clean room doors.

While cleanrooms are not always sterile, they do follow accepted standards for maximum particles per cubic meter. Air is filtered and circulated through HEPA air filters. The equipment is designed to produce minimal air impurities. Employees wear gloves, face masks and head coverings. Often, it is also necessary to wear cover-up or linen clothing. The room is cleaned daily, sometimes every few hours, according to strict quality procedures.
Generally, double-door autoclaves are used in cleanrooms and containment suites. In the case of clean room use, an autoclave is used to sterilize equipment brought into a clean or aseptic area such as a drug manufacturing environment.

What is the clean room door?
If the cleanroom door does not work properly, the cleanroom may not meet the relevant standards and be exposed to a high risk of contamination. Clean room doors are an important part of clean rooms and are responsible for sealing the controlled environment.

Things to consider when planning a clean room:
  • Personal publication rate
  • Amount of physical movement
  • Hot and cold environments produce different rates of particle generation
  • The type of underwear worn
  • Pollution caused by the tools used
  • FDA regulations

The difference between a double door and a single door is that the sliding door is a single door, designed for small rooms where there is no space for a revolving door. A double-leaf sliding door that allows staff and tools to pass through, even if there is no room for a swing door.

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What should be observed regarding clean room doors?
Cleanrooms are subjected to intensive cleaning with a variety of strong chemicals every day to ensure a high level of hygiene. Cleanroom doors, like other cleanroom surfaces, must be resistant to regular use of any detergent and any reaction between the door and chemicals must be avoided.

Clean room standards

The most commonly used standard for clean rooms is Federal Standard 209E. This standard refers to several clean room classes and is also related to ISO 14644-1 classes. Cleanroom class is determined by the number of particles present in the unit volume. A class is met if the measured concentration is within the specified particle size range. For example, normal room air, classified as ISO 9, contains more than 35 million microns of particles per cubic meter. In contrast, the Federal Standard 209E Class 100ISO 5 cleanroom has a maximum of only 3,520 microns per cubic meter of particles. Higher purity cleanrooms push the standard even further. A Federal Standard 209E Class 1 ISO 3 cleanroom accommodates only 35 microns per cubic meter of particulate matter.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a cleanroom?
How many types of cleanroom doors are there?
Estimating the cost of building and running a cleanroom?
What are the basics of cleanroom design?


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